Acne Treatment

Get rid of your acne scars once and for all with laser treatment

Acne is something most people suffer through their adolescent years. Now acne is something that has probably gone away as you have aged and have learnt to take better care of your skin, but what about those acne scars that just refuse to go away? What do you do with them? Well, now with laser treatment for acne scars available in India, you can have beautiful acne scar-free skin with ease! Getting laser treatment is something that is very popular in India at the moment because it is highly effective. If you are thinking of getting laser treatment for acne scars, then don’t wait anymore and talk to our skin specialist in Mumbai today!

Laser treatment for acne scars is proven to be effective

The main reason why laser treatment for acne scars is so popular in India is because it has been proven to be very effective. Whether your acne is a reminder of your teenage years or if they are something you got after you became an adult, laser treatment for acne scars is highly effective for both. Laser treatment for acne scars is revolutionary and non invasive, which means that it will not have you go under the knife at all.  What’s more, with laser treatment for acne scars, your own body will do natural healing to remove the scars you hate once and for all. Depending on the area you want to be treated, laser treatment for acne scars can take you less than 40 minutes. When laser treatment for acne scars can be done in so little time, is there any real reason why you shouldn’t be getting it done? No, of course not!

Number of sessions of laser treatment for acne scars required

It is a good thing to know all about laser treatment for acne scars before you get it. One of the things you should know about laser treatment for acne scars is that it will take more than one session to get rid of your scars. Anything between 4 to 6 sessions of laser treatment for acne scars is required. These laser treatments for acne scars sessions don’t happen continually. Instead, these laser treatments for acne scars sessions will be done over a period of two months or so. Your doctor will be the best person to decide on a schedule for you to get laser treatment for acne scars sessions done for the maximum effectiveness.

Some types of laser treatments for acne scars available

There are different types of laser treatment for acne scars methods that are available. Depending on the severity and area of the acne scars you have, your doctor will decide on the method of laser treatment for acne scars for you. So here are the different types of laser treatment for acne scars methods:

  1. Fraxel laser treatment for acne scars
  2. Carbon dioxide laser treatment for acne scars
  3. Fractional laser treatment for acne scars
  4. Pixilation laser treatment for acne scars
  5. Active Fx and deep Fx laser treatment for acne scars

Benefits of laser treatment for acne scars

There are no doubt many other treatments available in India for the problem you are suffering from but laser treatment for acne scars is the most beneficial for you. There are many reasons for this. First of all, laser treatment for acne scars works in conjugation with the skin tissue. Hence, laser treatment for acne scars works with the skin tissue and is better suited for you. Secondly, since laser treatment for acne scars is a treatment that has been proven to show tremendous results, it is more beneficial than other methods which are not proven yet. Thirdly, laser treatment for acne scars is available with most skin clinics. If you are worried that laser treatment for acne scars is not available in your city, you don’t have to be because it probably is. Ask your doctor where you will be able to get laser treatment for acne scars. Not every laser is the same, so please pay attention that you are getting treatment with the carbon dioxide laser treatment in Mumbai, with Dr. Rinky Kapoor.

Points to consider before getting laser treatment for acne scars

As with any skin treatment, it makes sense to understand exactly what you will be subjecting your skin to. That is why taking time to do your homework on laser treatment for acne scars is your best bet. The first thing to remember is to only get laser treatment for acne scars done from a certified skin clinic. The reputation of the clinic offering laser treatment for acne scars is also something you should check out. The skin specialist who will be doing laser treatment for acne scars for you should be an expert. This is because working with lasers means that there will be a variety of wavelengths and settings available and if by any chance the wrong settings are chosen, it can mean hell for you. So take notice every step of the way.

Why Skin Doctor India can be the perfect choice for acne scar treatment in Mumbai?

Many people, who consult Dr. Rinky Kapoor in Mumbai through Skin Doctor India, often come to her with incomplete or unsatisfactory treatment from other Mumbai clinics. The problem with most skin clinics in Mumbai is the opaqueness which is maintained deliberately throughout the treatment. Most clinics in Mumbai do not explain the treatment completely to their patients leading to consequent confusion. Patients feel disappointed by treatments performed even at some of the most reputed clinics in Mumbai.

Skin Doctor India can provide you with complete information about the various types of acne scar treatment which are performed at all their centers in Mumbai. Located at multiple locations in Mumbai, all the clinics are equally equipped so you can pick any location in Mumbai depending upon your convenience. Dr. Rinky Kapoor, being a thorough professional herself, understands the needs and limitations of today’s lifestyle; hence she provides video consultation also from Mumbai. So, people who want to take treatment from her in Mumbai but want to communicate with her before coming to Mumbai can take online consultation from Dr. Rinky Kapoor. She is available at all times for her patients and because of her warm persona and flawless professionalism, not only she gets patients from Mumbai, but from all over the country. Now you know whom to consult if you want the acne scar treatment in Mumbai.

Our Clinics

The Esthetic Clinic :
Shop no.4, Shraddha building no.3, Thakur complex, Kandivali East, Mumbai.

The Esthetic Clinic:
SL Raheja hospital (A Fortis Associate) Raheja Rugnalaya Marg, Mahim west, Mumbai 400016

Phone: +91 9004671379
Mon - Sat from 11 AM to 8 PM


Expertise In

• Skin diseases
• Sexually transmitted diseases
• Hair disorders
• Nail disorders
• Cosmetic skin treatments
• Skin surgeries
• Laser skin treatments

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