Get Flawless Skin and Healthy Hair with Skin Specialist in Bandra
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Get Flawless Skin and Healthy Hair with Skin Specialist in Bandra

Each one of us has dreamt of a flawless skin once in their lifetime.  Sadly, various skin conditions and surgery leaves the impact on skin and create hassles to get a flawless skin. A special piece of advice imparted by a specialist is what you require to get flawless skin. There are a number of skin specialists in Bandra who can help you to get rid of skin flaws and make your dream to get a flawless skin true to reality.

Treatments which various Skin Specialists Recommend –

From face masks to various food supplements which doctors prescribe can help you get rid of skin problems.  The masks need to be selected according to your skin type and the medicines prescribed should be consumed under assistance of a qualified doctor. You can consult a skin specialist in Bandra who can help you to choose the best method which goes well according to your skin and health condition. Medication and Therapies are always prescribed according to the health conditions of patient.

Diet rich in fibre –

If you dream to get a flawless skin, then your diet needs to be checked thoroughly. The digestive issues lead to skin impurities and diseases, so the diet is pivotal for healthy skin. You have to take adequate amount of micronutrients and vitamins for clear skin. While a glowing skin comes with the intake of fish, nuts and white meat.  Omega 3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation; puffy eyes and other such ailments to a great extent. You may consume a great deal of healthy food to make your skin glow. There has to be a decent intake of vegetables and fruits which will make your skin clear. Skin specialist in Bandra often advice you to start with a defined diet before you undergo any treatment or start with a medicinal procedure.

Consume a lot of water –

Water is definitely a detoxifier. It detoxifies the impurities and makes sure to give you a better radiant look and glowing skin. Generally, most of the Skin specialist in Bandra or anywhere across the world suggests drinking nearly 8-10 glasses of water in a day to get an impactful skin. The main motive behind stating so is that they understand that the gut has to remain flawless else pimples, acne and blemishes may diminish the overall impact.

Various skin specialists in Bandra can be contacted either by making an online appointment or by searching according to the ranking and walking-in their clinic. They will help you to give you the best solution for your skin and turn your dream of a flawless skin into a reality.

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The Esthetic Clinic :
Shop no.4, Shraddha building no.3, Thakur complex, Kandivali East, Mumbai.

The Esthetic Clinic:
SL Raheja hospital (A Fortis Associate) Raheja Rugnalaya Marg, Mahim west, Mumbai 400016

Phone: +91 9004671379
Mon - Sat from 11 AM to 8 PM


Expertise In

• Skin diseases
• Sexually transmitted diseases
• Hair disorders
• Nail disorders
• Cosmetic skin treatments
• Skin surgeries
• Laser skin treatments

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