How Control Hair Loss During Monsoon

How to control hair loss during monsoon? A dermat weighs in

Dr. Rinky Kapoor, Cosmetic Dermatologist & Dermato-Surgeon, The Esthetic Clinics has shared vital tips that can prevent and control hair loss during the rainy season.

In more than 90% of people, hair fall increases by almost 30% during the monsoons. Ideally, we should all be modifying our hair care routine as the weather changes but it is not always possible. On a normal day, it is perfectly acceptable to experience hair fall of about 50-60 hairs per day by during the monsoons this number can increase to up to 250 or more. Hair loss increases during monsoons because of the increased humidity in the atmosphere, dry scalp, dandruff, and contact with acidic rainwater.

The high percentage of moisture in the environment around us causes the hair to absorb the hydrogen and swell, leading the brittle and frizzy hairs that are prone to easy breakage. The humidity robs the scalp of the natural oils leading to a dry scalp and weaker roots. Another big factor is the difficulty in keeping the hair dry, the moisture in the scalp weakens the hair follicle strength causing the hair to appear lifeless and dull and worst it leads to tangled hair and thus hair loss. Dampness also increases the risk of infection, as the scalp becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus causing hair problems like itching and redness of the scalp.

The biggest hair care mistake to avoid during monsoons is taking stress. Many people tend to stress about hair loss and rush towards over the counter creams, treatments, and chemical treatments for the hair, which only expedites the process of hair loss. In most cases, hair loss in monsoons is a temporary phase and you should not need to get tensed thinking about it, instead, there are some simple tweaks that you can include in your hair care routine to retain the bouncy shine and still enjoy the rains.

Walk in the rains but cover up your head: This is the first golden rule of hair care in monsoons. Rainwater is not as pure as it looks, there are many pollutants mixed in it. These can cause the hair roots to weaken, which leads to hair fall. If you want to take a walk in the rain, carry an umbrella with you or cover your hair with a scarf or a cap.

Reschedule the salon appointment: Postpone the hair colour treatments, perming, or any other chemical treatment to after the monsoons. Professional treatments make the hair oily and greasy causing damage to the hair and scalp making it prone to breakage and hair loss. You should even avoid using hair sprays and gels during the monsoons.

Get creative with hairdressing: Instead of using expensive hairdos, monsoons are the perfect time to use hair accessories. The old scarf in your closet can be turned into a stylish head wrap to match your outfit. Hair accessories will also cover up the bad hair day and at the same time make you look at the top of the fashion trends.

Don’t be lazy: You can’t completely avoid getting your hair wet in the rains, but you can easily undo the damage done by rains by washing your hair immediately after getting home and drying it the natural way. Washing will remove the trace of chemicals from the hair and prevent hair loss.

Keep your hair dry: Use a microfiber cloth to gently squeeze and absorb water from the hair and dry them quickly. Don’t use a hairdryer, it will only damage the already weak hair; instead, let the hair dry naturally.

Shampoo less and condition more: Switch to a gentle cleansing and moisturizing shampoo during the monsoons. These will help reduce the breakage and prevent the scalp from becoming dry. Choosing the right shampoo and conditioner according to your hair type will help prevent problems like dandruff and frizzy hair. A conditioner will give the added boost of moisture and nourishment to the hair strands, prevent their breakage, prevent tangled locks, and make the hair silky and smooth.

Take warm oil massage twice a week: This will not only nourish your scalp but also increase the circulation and keep the hair healthy and shiny. Let the oil sit in the hair for 2-3 hours and then wash with a mild shampoo.

Eat and drink for your hair: Needless to say, a healthy diet will do wonders for your skin and hair. Cut down on caffeine as it dehydrates the scalp. Instead, drink 8-12 glasses of water every day. Include sprouts in your everyday diet. Sprouts are rich in vitamin E, potassium and iron and effective in bringing the lustre back to the hair in no time at all.

Some important tips:
Apply the conditioner with a wide-tooth comb to spread it well.
Give the last rinse to your hair with cold water for the extra shine.
Avoid shampoos with parabens and sulphates. Natural extracts like rosemary give an extra bounce to the hair.
Don’t comb your hair when wet. Let the hair be almost dry before you start combing and never every share your comb with anyone.
Get a good night sleep every day.
Home remedies are a much safer and effective option than harmful chemical when it comes to controlling hair loss in monsoons.

Here are some easy to use remedies:
Harness the power of aloe vera: Aloe vera gel is easy to use, cooling to the scalp and has excellent antimicrobial properties. You can apply the gel to your scalp before two hours before washing the hair or mix some aloe vera gel with your hair oil or shampoo to get maximum benefits out of it.

Get rid of the extra oil on your scalp by applying some lemon juice on it. Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse it.

To bring back shine to normal hair, make a paste of mango and mint and apply on hair half hour before shampooing.

A mix of mashed bananas and honey will take away the dryness from dry hair and make it softer. Leave the mix on the hair for 50 minutes before washing.

Make your own hair pack: Blend 3 tablespoon of soaked fenugreek seeds along with six mint leaves and ½ lemon juice. Now add some Multani Mitti (fuller’s earth) to the mix to make a smooth paste. Apply this mask on your hair covering from root to tip and leave for about two hours or until it is dry. Rinse with warm water. No need to use the shampoo. Do this once a week for effective results.

Hair loss reduction oil: Mix olive oil with honey and cinnamon powder, apply on scalp and leave for forty minutes. Rinse with warm water and shampoo and condition normally. Repeat once a week.

You can also use onion juice, rice water, and curd on your hair to help prevent the hair fall and stimulate natural hair growth.

Hair loss in monsoon is quite normal and temporary, however, if you notice more than excessive hair loss then do visit a dermatologist or a hair specialist for determining the cause and treatment for hair loss.

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