Take care of your skin pre and post Holi to minimise the damage done by colours, sun, and water

Holi festival is a riot of colours and who doesn’t love colours? The type of colours used in Holi and how they will react with your skin, however, becomes a pressing concern. Poorly made and chemical-laden colours can cause various skin problems such as dryness, pigmentation, irritation, breakouts, redness etc.
This does not mean that you cannot play with colours and enjoy this festival. All you need to do is to take care of your skin pre and post Holi to minimise the damage done by colours, sun, and water. “Skincare for Holi is actually quite simple,” said Dr Rinky Kapoor, consultant dermatologist, cosmetic dermatologist and dermato-surgeon, The Esthetic Clinics. Here’s what you can do:
Before stepping out to play with colours
*Oil your hair well. Mix some coconut oil with aloe vera and apply all over your hair and scalp before playing Holi.
*Use a good quality moisturiser or oil to create a skin barrier. You can also use natural coconut oil or castor oil for your face. Make sure that you cover all the exposed skin especially the area behind the ears.
*Use a gel-based sunscreen and apply 15 minutes before stepping out.
*Add a layer of vaseline petroleum jelly to the lips, nails and around eyes to prevent the colours from sticking to the skin.
*Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
*Keep drinking juices and water at regular intervals to keep the skin hydrated.
*Tie your hair in a ponytail and cover with a scarf.
Here’s how aloe vera gel can come to your holi skincare. (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)After the Holi party
*Do not scrub the colour from your skin at any cost.
*Dry dust the colour from skin and hair and apply a gentle cleanser.
*Wash the entire colour from scalp and skin before using shampoo or soap.
*After bathing, apply a moisturiser and serum on the face.
*Leave the hair to air dry.
*Moisturise the entire body liberally.
*Avoid going to spa, sauna or exfoliating skin treatment for at least a week post-Holi celebrations.
Use these tried and test homemade packs to avoid after-effects of colours after Holi
Almond and honey mask
Grind some soaked almonds along with honey, 2-3 drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of milk. Apply this paste on your skin and let it dry completely. Wash with cold water. This pack heals the skin, keeps it hydrated, and prevents wrinkles and lines.
Besan and curd pack
Mix some besan or gram flour, curd, 2-3 drops of rose water along with a pinch of turmeric. Apply this paste on skin and leave to dry for about 20 minutes. Rinse off with tap water. This pack will prevent the skin from drying.
Masoor daal and orange peel
Mix 1-teaspoon masoor dal, dried orange peel, 1 teaspoon rose powder, and 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Apply this pack on face, neck and upper chest. When the pack is dry, apply some water on your hands and gently rub off the face pack. This pack will heal the skin, remove the dead skin layer and smooth the skin.
Lemon and aloe vera
Mix some aloe vera gel with few drops of lemon juice. Dab this liquid on your face using a cotton ball. This pack will help remove the tan, take care of the blemishes and help prevent dark patches.
“Homemade packs will give the much-needed relief to your skin post the onslaught of colours in Holi. Use them regularly for few days for most effective results. If the skin irritation persists, consult your dermatologist immediately,” said Dr Kapoor.