Beauty Hacks For New Year Party

By Dr. Rinky Kapoor, Consultant Dermatologist, Cosmetic Dermatologist & Dermato-Surgeon, The Esthetic Clinics

The 2000’s are completing their teens and the big new year bash is just around the corner. Your social media groups must be buzzing with invitations and plans about the makeup, dress and accessories. You can’t really escape the excitement in the air. This is the time to gear up your skin for the party season so that one the ‘D’ day you look the best to welcome the new year with a glowing skin.

By the time December ends the winters will be on in full force and trust us you don’t want to end up with a dry, cracked skin and frizzy hair when the clock strikes midnight. To prevent your make up from washing away from the sweat of dancing. Here are few simple handy tips that you can use ahead of time to make sure that you look as wonderfully and fresh at the end of the party as you did in the beginning.

Start prepping your skin today:

What’s the point of make up if your skin is missing the inner glow? Start giving your skin some extra TLC from today itself. Exfoliate your skin twice a week to remove the dry skin and prevent breakouts. Consult your dermatologist for a good exfoliator for your skin. You can use salicylic acid for oily skin. Salicylic acid removes dark spots and brightens the skin. Glycolic acid suits dry skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines. Exfoliation preps your skin to let the toner and moisturizer work better.

Well hydrated skin does not let the makeup become caky and cracked. Your skin care routines of cleaning toning and moisturizing will create the perfect base for makeup that stays put on the new year eve. Don’t neglect your lips. Exfoliate your lips and use vitamin E enriched lip balm every day for the smooth and unflaky pout and long lasting stay for the lip colour.

Before you put on your makeup

The day is here and before you put on your make up use these hacks for the skin

  • Put some used and cold tea bags or trusty cucumber slices on the eyes to freshen them up and reduce the appearance of dark circles.
  • Make a mask of rose water, honey and dried milk powder and apply on face. Remove after 20 minutes. Pat your face dry gently. This will clean your skin and give it a glow.

Makeup time!

Your makeup colours should be in line with the colour and tone of your dress and shoes. New year part is the time for glitz, glam, glitter so don’t be shy to use bold and glittery colours. Here are some tips

  • Start with a good primer. It is the canvas to keep your makeup perfect. Primer can blur the imperfection, reduce the appearance of pores and oil and skin. It gives the makeup something to adhere on to and creates a smooth look. Use face, lip and eyelid primer.
  • Use a 24 hour proof foundation. Avoid oily foundation. Blend the foundation well by using a good beauty blender.
  • For dramatic looking highlighted cheeks combine your liquid and power products for the perfect look. Use a liquid highlighter and blusher and blend it in the outward and upward motion lightly. Blot away the excess Finish with power products in the same colour for the bold and sassy look.
  • Lips look good in bright red, plum, coral, dark pink and amber colours. Select one that suits your skin type. Fill in your lips with a lip liner of a shade darker than your lip shade and then apply a lipstick. Chose a smudge free lipstick. Apply the lip gloss at the centre for enhanced pout.
  • Go for smoky eyes. Apply the liner just below the lash and blend it with the eyeshadow. Use a mix of eyeshadows for the dramatic effects.
  • Don’t ignore your hair. For styling your hair use a heat protectors to prevent damage and don’t forget an anti-frizz spray.
  • For the extra glam dab a bit of Vaseline to the centre of your eyelids and temples. It will prevent creasing too.

Just by using these beauty hacks you can make your makeup look incredible for hours. Just give them a try and your make up will survive all the hugging, dancing, crying, laughing, drinking and dancing.

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